
Here at Mixtape we have two types of masteries.

Regular Masteries
When you master a deck here at Mixtape you will receive 2 choice cards, 6 random cards, 400 Tapes and the stamp for your deck. You can master decks multiple times.

Special Masteries
There are a few types of special masteries each with their own set reward. Special masteries must be turned in on our discord and the rewards will be sent through the site
Membercards/Event cards: Masterible for every 20 you collect will receive 1 choice card, 3 random and 200 Tapes

Photocards: Photocard rewards very based on how many you need to collect to complete the set and is layed out on the photocards page

Special Masteries Using Stamps
Each time you master a deck you will be given that set's stamp. These stamps can be turned in for more rewards when placing them on a special mastery badge. These will also net you a random ammount of rewards based on how many decks you have to master to get it. Special masteries may only be turned in once.