Posted on November 15, 2023

Members: There are currently no new members.
Games: Weekly, Set A

Don't forget donation limits are doubled this month so 10 instead of 5 but no more then 2 decks from the same artist.

I am prepping for the Christmas events there will be an advent again and something extra as well :). I also promise advent won't be all music videos this time. I realized towards the end of the Halloween one I should have mixed in some horror movie soundtracks

I will edit my post but I have decided since I'm not an active player (kind of not fair since I make the games) I will give myself 20 cards every update and you can request any cards on my post except for what I have in collecting for trades :) yes I will be editing this information on my trade post as well.

Wishing Stars

Kindly take a total max of 2 cards per deck if there are no restrictions indicated.

  1. LexI wish for 3 choice cards from any Artists decks!   
  2. CatherineI wish for 3 choice cards from any Music Videos decks!   
  3. JenniferI wish for choice cards spelling turkeytime!   
  4. LexI wish for double game rewards from the Set A set!    No need to refresh the rewards page!

New Releases

Click here for your deck release pulls.

6 Comments to Ontime!

  • Deck Release (2023-11-15): taemin-mv-advice04, taemin-mv-advice19, astro-mv-knock10, astro-mv-knock11, blackswan08, blackswan10, megantheestallion-mv-thotshit12, megantheestallion-mv-thotshit13, agreatbigworld-mv-saysomething16, agreatbigworld-mv-saysomething19, aoa-mv-goodluck10

    Wishes #32 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): vixx02, vixx04, blackpink02

    Wishes #33 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): hilaryduff-mv-wakeup16, hilaryduff-mv-wakeup17, kda-mv-popstars04

    Wishes #34 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): hilaryduff-cd-dignity18, hilaryduff-cd-dignity20, kellyclarkson01, kellyclarkson02, hilaryduff-mv-wakeup05, hilaryduff-mv-wakeup07, panicatthedisco08, panicatthedisco13, blackpink-mv-pinkvenom01, blackpink-mv-pinkvenom02

    Thank you!

  • Deck Release (2023-11-15): direngrey04, direngrey14, yuki04, yuki14, megantheestallion-mv-thotshit04, megantheestallion-mv-thotshit14, 2ne1-cd-toanyone05, 2ne1-cd-toanyone14, blackswan04, blackswan14, aoa-mv-goodluck04

    Wishes #34 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): panicatthedisco-mv-iwritesinsnottragedies02, ayumihamasaki05, leehyori-mv-ugogirl17, kda20, leehyori-mv-ugogirl13, tommyheavenly6-mv-imgonnascream09, cl-mv-hellobitches08, panicatthedisco-mv-iwritesinsnottragedies06, kylieminogue06, evanescence-mv-goingunder09

    Wishes #33 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): leehyori-mv-ugogirl05, leehyori-mv-ugogirl06, florencethemachine-mv-dogdaysareover05

    Wishes #32 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): kda15, kylieminogue19, kylieminogue20

  • Deck Release (2023-11-15): taemin-mv-advice08, taemin-mv-advice13, aoa-mv-goodluck11, aoa-mv-goodluck18, blackswan06, blackswan15, 2ne1-cd-toanyone11, megantheestallion-mv-thotshit05, direngrey13, astro-mv-knock14, elast-mv-creature09

    Wishes #32 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): megantheestallion13, florencethemachine15, florencethemachine17

    Wishes #33 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): reginaspektor-mv-fidelity08, reginaspektor-mv-fidelity11, billlie-mv-eunoia13

    Wishes #34 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): reginaspektor-mv-fidelity05, billlie-mv-eunoia07, reginaspektor-mv-fidelity17, kttunstall03, florencethemachine05, rinasawayama03, redvelvet-mv-russianroulette10, ive13, billlie-mv-eunoia19, taemin-mv-criminal13

  • Deck Release (2023-11-15): aoa-mv-goodluck11, aoa-mv-goodluck12, elast-mv-creature11, elast-mv-creature12, agreatbigworld-mv-saysomething11, agreatbigworld-mv-saysomething12, taemin-mv-advice11, 2ne1-cd-toanyone11, astro-mv-knock11, blackswan11, direngrey11

    Wishes #32 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): shinee04, shinee05, rm01

    Wishes #33 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): 1nb-mv-stalker10, 1nb-mv-stalker16, dreamcatcher-mv-scream06

    Wishes #34 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): thirtysecondstomars-cd-thismeanswar15, sf9-cd-knightsofthesun02, dreamcatcher-mv-scream10, sf9-cd-knightsofthesun01, dreamcatcher-mv-scream18, jonghyun-mv-crazy03, avengedsevenfold-mv-nightmare01, avengedsevenfold-mv-nightmare07, jonghyun-mv-crazy06, shinee08

  • Deck Release (2023-11-15): direngrey01, direngrey02, taemin-mv-advice02, taemin-mv-advice03, elast-mv-creature01, elast-mv-creature02, astro-mv-knock01, astro-mv-knock02, yuki04, yuki10, aoa-mv-goodluck10

    Wishes #32 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): direngrey19, direngrey20, ayumihamasaki03

    Wishes #33 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): shinee-mv-everybody08, taemin-mv-criminal14, taemin-mv-criminal15

    Wishes #34 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): taemin-mv-criminal17, ayumihamasaki-mv-jewel04, taemin-mv-criminal18, ayumihamasaki-mv-jewel12, taemin-mv-advice04, direngrey03, shinee-mv-dontcallme08, direngrey04, shinee-mv-dontcallme12, elast-mv-creature20

  • Wishes #32 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): rufuswainwright03, rufuswainwright04, yuki02

    Wishes #33 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): redvelvet-mv-russianroulette18, bjork-mv-notget08, bjork-mv-notget10

    Wishes #34 (2023-11-15 00:00:00): bjork-mv-notget13, leehyori-mv-ugogirl17, bjork-mv-notget17, yuki01, leehyori-mv-ugogirl13, yuki03, rufuswainwright05, billieeilish-mv-allthegoodgirlsgotohell01, billieeilish-mv-allthegoodgirlsgotohell03, reginaspektor-mv-fidelity01

    Deck Release (2023-11-15): 2ne1-cd-toanyone10, 2ne1-cd-toanyone11, blackswan12, blackswan13, direngrey14, direngrey15, yuki04, yuki06, taemin-mv-advice07, megantheestallion-mv-thotshit08, elast-mv-creature09

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